fRiEnDs FoReVeR!i!i!

HoMe | aLL AbOuT Me!! | CoNtAcT Me!! | ShOuToUtS! | LiNkS! | GuEsTbOoK | FrIeNdS PhOtO AlBuM! | FrIeNdS PhOtO aLbUm 2 | FrIeNdS pHoTo AlBuM 3 | CeLeBs PhOtO AlBuM | InSiDe JoKeS | QuOtEs
You all know who you are and I'm sure you already know how much you're loved but in case you on!

HEY EVERYONE!!! Here's just a lil shoutout to all of yaz! And for those of you who don't see a shoutout directed at you...don't worry I only just started! LoL I still love you and I shall do my best to get around to it asap!


you and me have had - just like everyone else in this world - our ups and downs. We've known each other since grade 7 but I don't think you and me really became close until grade 9. As much as we don't always get along or agree on everything, I kinda think of you as a sister...we're there for each other but at the same time, we give each other space. Our relationship stays strong even if we don't spend every moment together, and I like that. Thanks though...for everything, for putting up with me. With all the shit we've been through I know our friendship can last through almost any storm. xoxox


AKA. Squishy!

Hey and me both know that we've had some amazing times...from the "
tea parties" to the "Dick booklet" we've talked about pretty much anything imaginable. Even though we don't talk all that much of late...I still want you to know I'm never gonna forget the times we had. We may not be the closest of friends but I still consider us friends, even if you don't. Thanks for everything, I'll never forget you! xoxox Friends Forever


aka - Luch

Hey Luch,
Wow, we've been through pretty much everything together haven't we? We've travelled the world (ok, France, but w/e) we've had our ups and downs but no matter what, I always feel like we end up as best friends in the end. I guess in a way we're a lot like sisters...even though we may fight we always forgive each other, like sisters...even if we're not connected by blood we might as well be...Luch, you're one of the few people that understands me through it all...and I really appreciate everything you've done for me. You may be half way across the world but it doesn't matter 'cause when we talk it's like you're right there...besides...distance is nothing right? Thanks hun, for everything, we've had amazing times! I love you! xoxox *deal*



Wow, it's crazy, but...what...4 years later I still consider you one of my best friends. Scary, considering we haven't really seen each other since that one summer in Grade 7. It's crazy how close but yet distant people can be eh. I tell you pretty much everything (anything I can remember atleast) and I's weird I guess. But I just wanted to say thanks for everything...for listening to me...for listening to my jumps from "I hate him! I'm never talking to him again" to "Oh, yeah...we're cool now..." I know I'm tough to keep up with...especially since you don't even really know half the people I talk about....but thanks...and I'm always here for you! Miss you! xoxox Best Friends Through It All!

YOU! Haha my good old invisible BLT!

Lmao...BLT...anyone else reading this must be like wtf? He's a sandwhich? Haha...let them think that ;) Hehe

So oh where to start...well I might as well start by thanking you. You honestly have done SO much for me...and listen to me whine on and on...and listen to me...and give me advice..and even though you may not always believe it but your opinion DOES mean a lot to me! That's why I care so much and sometimes ends up in me gettin' hurt...'cause I believe you and just...thanks...I really appreciate having someone who'll always catch me if I fall *so to speak...truthfully we all know that if I really fell you'd point and laugh..lmao* and just...someone who's always there!

NOW...onto our craziness! LoL WHO, could ever forget our little people. Like c'mon THEY'RE IN YOUR COMPUTER RIGHT NOW! Haha...controlling your minds! And the only way to avoid being*drum roll* A TIN FOIL HAT! Ahaha...I honestly wonder where these ideas come from at times don't you?! Hahaha

And then there's all those other crazy you being invisible (you ARE invisible...just accept it ok? Haha) and yeah...there's loads more times but I'm too lazy to remember them. Haha...OH, and then there's all our kool songs that we wrote...those were just awesome. We've got some serious talent! Hey and don't forget, if you make it big, you said you were taking me with you!!! Don't forget!!

LoL anywhoz, thanks for everything...most of all for just being a bud, and a true friend (hehe like we talked 'bout that 'member ;) ). Bestest buds forever! Love ya lots! XoXoXoX


K, we're not at all close anymore, I don't really know if we ever really were, but I know that I still consider you a friend. We've - without a doubt - had our shit, our definite ups and downs...more like a rollercoaster actually...but I'd say in the end we somehow manage to resolve it. I'm sorry,...for everything. I know I've made a lot of mistakes, and I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened...I hope one day you'll be able to completely forgive me for everything, but I know I did some shit I definitly shouldn't of. No matter what though, I'm never gonna forget the awesome times we shared. Friends Forever...xoxox



AKA. Andy my drug dealer, or Tara ;)
Haha good times...
Hey hey hun! Dontcha luv the pic I put with your shoutout? It's your second identity! Tara! YA! Haha that's pretty crazy...don't worry he'll never read this and find out the truth hun, and if he does read this...then that would be MAJORLY weird 'cause like wtf? I never talk to him so why would he...anywayz...
SoOoOoOoO, we've had some majorly crazy times over the past...2-3 years eh? And for there will be plenty more to come 'cause no matter what you're still my walking home buddy.
Lol so we should go to Subway again sometime soon..we've had a buncha crazy times"Can you get my sandwhich for me?" "Why?" "'Cause the Subway guy is hot!!!" and then the whole *ping, ping*...we're insane aren't we? LoL And we've had lotsa fun at the remember that time you carved in the tree? Hehehe...
Anywhoooooz, thanks for all the great times hun! We've had loads of fun and we'll always be friends! Friends forever! Love ya loads! xoxoxox


Hey hey hey! If you're wondering what on Earth is with the picture I put there, it's 'cause it reminds me of an angel...which is like you...with all your love for God and your Christianity and spreading the word and all that...and your...*whats the opposite of rebel?* LoL
Anywhoooz...we've been friends since...grade's like...FOREVER! LoL It's funny 'cause I don't think either of us still hang out with anyone (besides each other) that we used to in grade remember when we wrote that song...Why? Haha that was too great..we had so much fun with that!
SoOoOoOo, we've had lotsa crazy roasting sock and "OH BURN" (literally) haha...since then I've kinda come to discover my love for fire! HEHEHE lol
So yeah...hey "we at Mon and Ash inc never take anything sickly"
Anywhoz, thanks for always being there for me! You're the best hun! I love ya to death! Friends forever! XoXoX



aka - My Tec Buddy!
Omg, it took me like forever to get around to this,...considering I told you that I'd write you up a shoutout long ago?! LoL Meh. Anywho, omg we had so many crazy times in Tec Class didn't we?! Haha, you, me, Anna, and LiL Scott! Hehehe....but yeah, don't ever forget those great times! Like that time we got pizza for correcting all those tests. Haha that was so's amusing what kids will do for pizza isn't it? And...all those projects you made that had to do with Johnny Depp? Ahaha. I think Mr. Myers thinks you're obsessed....hehehe. Oh btw...I have an apology to make. All through second semester I constantly said Johnny Depp was...blah. But...I must admit the movie Pirates of the Carribean...he is SO yeah...I'm sorry Liv! LoL Anywhoz, hope to have loads more crazy times in the next few years! XoXoXoX! Tec Buddies For Lyfe!

Aka Co-founder of RFG

Haha hey you! I'm seriously curious if you'll ever get around to reading this...'cause I will undoubtably forget to tell you to go look for this and...well, I'm super unsure if you'll think to go look for yourself...but who knows. ANYWAY! You...are my Co-founder of RFG...better known as the Rights for Groceries club! Here...for  all you people - is the link to the website with info on it haha - Copy and paste this in your address bar --><-- yeah, not only are you the co-founder of a fabulous club, but you are also my Loblaws buddy! Teehee. Btw...I know you don't like to be mean...but...YOU CAN'T LEAD HER ON! You know what I'm talking 'bout! Yes you do! Haha...So ya...onto some inside jokes we've got goin' here...THOSE WHINY TWINS! Haha...they're just like...reoccuring nightmares! LoL! The whole...sleep is a crazy idea..I mean honestly..WHO SLEEPS NOW-A-DAYS (uhh Aaron...I sleep...and I like sleep...and from how tired you always are...may I suggest a I'm no professional but...SLEEP is one thing that might help!) LoL Oh Oh Oh! And remember that Sunday...when Jeff was supervising...and I was "protesting" and I was bagging for you and Jeff is like Oh I meant to ask you,...WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE! And haha..."'Cause...I'm a loser and I don't wanna go home?" "Oh. Ok." Wow that was honestly a priceless moment that you just had to be there to see it to understand it...haha...yep yep,...anywayz...I should stop this shoutout sometime...anytime...yeah now's good...LoL
Anywayz...there's definitly gonna be loads more funn and funny times to come! And this club of ours..IT WILL DEFINITLY GO PLACES (Like uhh..."Worst Website Ever Award" ahaha yes) LoL ROCK ON!
YoUr LobLaWs PaL + Co-founder / President of RFG!

PS. YES! My scanner IS working! LoL! Don't ever do that again! You gave me a heart attack...turning my scanner off on me!


Aka My Loblaws Savior
LoL I don't know what the screaming was for! Honestly! I don't! to believe we only met like what...2 months ago? Craziness...haha. Even so, we've still had some crazy ass times together in that little time! Like Wonderland! That was an AWESOME day! I can't believe I went on all those rollercoasters! However...I guess it's not that hard to believe considering how..."pushy" Eric was. Haha not that I'm complaining. I loved every ride we went on! So're squirrel...haha...yeah...well we honestly love our work for all the wrong reasons! I gotta tell you that much! But it's all good right?! Yes yes it is! We like our work 'cause of those sexy GM...ahaha yea you know who I'm talking about!! Teehee...anyway,...thanks for all the great times! There's definitly gonna be loads more to come! Loblaws Pals for lifeeeeeeeee! XoXoXoX